Monday, October 10, 2011

Music to Get Your Shit Together By (NSFW, duh)

When people get on my last nerve I often fall back onto my Funkadelic collection to purge my mind of the dumb shit I just had to process. Since we're at a particularly confrontational stage of the run-up to the 2012 election there's been no shortage of shit-for-brains trollery going on in social networking apps like Twitter, Facebook, Google Pus (that was NOT a typo, BTW) and so on, so I just thought I'd share this aptly named gem from Funkadelic's One Nation Under a Groove album. Oh yeah, we reissue the older shit and call them CDs now, but this came out on teh vinyl so its an album, muhfuggas. Got it? Good.

Unfortunately, this is the net so you gotta get your own weed to maximize the effect.

Promentalshitbackwashpsychosis Enema Squad a.k.a. "The DooDoo Chasers: Music to Get Your Shit Together By" by Funkadelic 

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